Saint-Petersburg, metro Komendantskiy Prospekt
+7 (931) 590 05 69

For children

TeachingEnglishto childrenrequires that a teacherfirst of allthe ability to be a good psychologistand attentive.You need to give your100% to impart to the childlove ina foreign language,notto startleat the initial stage, to inspire and motivateforthe future.As I said, of course, in my lessonswe focus onthe school curriculum, especially in thosecases whereschool gradesleave much to be desired, andtravelledfromschoolin a week the childhas no memory.But above all, Istrive to instillthe desire to learn the language, andin some casesstrugglewith the already existingnegativeattitude towardsEnglish. For childrenespeciallyimportantpositiveemotional connectionwith the targetobject.In elementary school,classesincludea large volumeof games, songs andvisual material. Inmiddle and high schoolIwanted to geta large amountof the lessononthe development of speaking skillsand listening comprehension.Training is possiblefor textbooksandBritish educationalbenefits (provided).



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